Thursday, August 20, 2009

Lily has a cold-

Lily has her first cold and it's killing me. I took her to the doctor this morning and the doctor said she has a viral cold and that there isn't really anything they can do unless it goes into an ear infection. BUT... I did the right thing bringing her into the doctor because she's still so young that you should always have their lungs checked when they have a cold.

She's running a slight fever and just acting miserable, which I totally understand because she can't really breath well through her nose. I've been spoiling her and letting her take her naps in her swing, which she loves to do- I don't like her to sleep in her swing because I don't want her to get into the routine of falling asleep in it. Luckily she falls asleep on her own in her crib at night.

Anyway- everyone says this is a milestone-the baby having their first cold....It breaks Mommy and Daddy's hearts...:-(


The Gunn-Russell's said...

Poor Lily, I hate when my kids are sick! We always want them to be happy and healthy!