Wednesday, September 23, 2009

No more swaddling!

Last night for the first night EVER- Chris and I put Lily to bed without swaddling her. I was so nervous because that's the way Lily has always slept and we were so lucky that she started sleeping through the night at a month old! I was convinced that the reason she slept through the night was because we were swaddling her.(We used the Swaddle-Me and the Miracle Blanket.) I am still convinced that that was why Lily slept through the night, but now I know that she can handle sleeping through the night without being swaddled. I think it will help her now to roll over and move around more in her crib. I can't believe Lily is almost 5 months old already- the time sure does go fast!

I would recommend the Swaddle-Me to any parent who wants their child to sleep through the night. It really keeps them from waking themselves up with their arms and legs- Plus, they feel like they are getting held in a hug! The miracle blanket is great too- it keeps their arms more secure if you are having your baby bust out of the Swaddle-Me- You can only buy the miracle blanket online....but it's worth the price.